About us

Quienes somos

About T-ID Solutions

We are a subsidiary of Tönnjes International Group, a German organization with more than 185 years of history that is the global leader in the provision of integral, high-security solutions for vehicle registration and identification.

Thanks to the long experience of the Tönnjes International Group, an innovative entrepreneurial spirit and extensive know-how, we have become world leader in the automatic vehicle identification sector. With our team of approximately 2,000 collaborators and local presence in more than 50 countries we supply more than 100 countries. One of the reasons for our success is our ability to offer and implement solutions adapted to the specific requirements of each country.

What do we do?

Within Tönnjes International Group, T-ID SOLUTIONS S.A.C. dedicates itself to software development, specialized in vehicle identification through our IDeTRUST® System Solution that stands out for its high standards of performance, quality, and security. At T-ID SOLUTIONS S.A.C. We support our clients from the requirement gathering and functional design of systems, to the construction, testing, implementation, and operation of the contracted product.

Estilo de trabajo

Our work style

We work with agile methodologies, we are structured and we have a specialized and highly qualified team that covers the areas of Development, Quality Control, Infrastructure, Information Security and Technical Operations. We prioritize the quality of our products and services, always ensuring the maximum satisfaction of our customers. The needs of each project are variable but we are flexible and adjust our solutions to specific customer requirements. We are innovative because we integrate the latest technology and promote the digitalization and automation of our customer processes, security, and reliability of our solutions.

Where are we going?

Our path is marked by our clients’ need to be able to efficiently register and control their vehicle fleets, which merits the implementation of solutions tailored to their requirements, from the simplest to the most complex and comprehensive, always promoting efficiency, innovation, and digitalization in vehicle control.


Provide high-tech solutions for secure vehicle identification.


To be the industry leader in document digitization and secure electronic vehicle identification at the end of the 2020s.

We belong to the Tönnjes International Group